At Seagoville Family Dentistry & Implants, we understand the apprehension often associated with dental treatments. Rest assured, our experienced team is committed to ensuring your comfort and wellbeing throughout the entire process.

When Would I Need Root Canal Therapy?

When the inside pulp of your tooth becomes infected or inflamed from deep decay, it is time for a root canal. If left untreated, the infection can lead to severe pain, abscess formation and ultimately, the loss of the tooth. During your consultation at Seagoville Family Dentistry & Implants, our dentist will assess your condition and recommend root canal therapy if it is the most suitable course of action to preserve your natural tooth.

What to Expect

Before commencing the procedure, our dentist will administer local anesthesia to ensure you remain comfortable throughout. Once you are numb, they will carefully access the infected pulp, remove it, clean the inside of the tooth and shape the root canals. Next, the space is filled with a biocompatible material and sealed to prevent further infection. Depending on the complexity of the case, the procedure may require one or more visits to complete. Rest assured, our team will guide you through each step and address any concerns you may have along the way.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy offers numerous benefits beyond simply alleviating pain. By preserving your natural tooth, it helps maintain proper chewing function and prevents neighboring teeth from shifting out of place. Additionally, it eliminates the need for more invasive and costly treatments like tooth extraction and replacement with dental implants or bridges.

If you suspect you may need root canal therapy in Seagoville, Texas, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Raed Ajlouni, by calling 469-213-2964. Our compassionate team is here to provide you with personalized care and guide you towards optimal oral health. Say goodbye to dental discomfort and hello to a brighter, healthier smile with our expert root canal therapy services.